Obsession with flowers/artistic snapshots....

.:Thought of the Day:. .:Blah stuff:. =Junk Forward Email= .:Random stuff from School (if any at all):.
It's near the end of term, near the holidays (aka study break), and nearly the trials then the HSC big thing. It's a tireless race of assessments, balancing life, study, friends, personal reflection, relatives, family, etc etc..... As a common saying in chinese: "Events that don't run smoothly in life happen 8-9 times out of 10." (literal translation). "人生不如意事十常八九" This is sorta like "We don't always get what we want, so that when it does happen, we treasure it." Bit by bit, these frustrations, emotions, if not released, accumulates over the year. If you are a volcanic type emotion person, (that is, you don't usually show too much of ur emotions until you feel your on the edge), When something touches your trigger, You'd blow up. However way is most applicable to you. That could mean embrassing yourself, get angry suddenly, get teary and cry, hid yourself, etc etc... You may be thinking that you're the only person in the world who does this. You're wrong. There are billions of people who are doing this, daily. You are not alone. I didn't believe this until I heard, saw other people who I thought to be strong, broke down. I do too, sometimes. So please. Tell someone or something you trust. This can be anything:- your trusted friends, trusted adults, your religious body, your guardian angel, even your little imaginary friend. and Be honest with yourself. Release yourself. Vicious (Angry) Emotions do you no good except eat you away. It's best to release them as soon as you are conscious of them. The longer you leave it, but if you find yourself think about it more, it grows. Just like a snowball rolling down a mountain. Then it becomes very hard to control it. Sometimes it is hard letting go. But practice it today. It works wonders. ~an*
Recently I've found myself obsessed with doing quizzes on the net. I guess it's part of the 16-20s personality of "knowing myself" trait (it runs fairly strongly in me - I actually read self help books for interest...). I've gotten into quite a few eye brow raising results - Believe me they're just for fun, and NOT, under ANY circumstances, to be taken too seriously (This is coming from a person who's famous for being serious, so...take ur stance ;) ). Here are a few that I'd recommend (especially when you're bored stiff and have nothing to do, got bored of the internet games...) http://www.tickle.com/ (hundreds of quizzes, they never seem to run out - pretty gd, but u gotta register) http://www.blogthings.com (this is gd if u got a blog of some sort like me, and just stick it in ur entry when u can't think of anything to write, like me...:P) http://www.quizsoup.com/debt-quiz.php (this seems to have a few quizzes in here...quite funny actually...) http://www.quizyourfriends.com/ (here's the gd one - u make ur own quiz!! then test ur friends, anyone with an email...just remember - don't spam !! ) Here's just a sample of the interesting ones I found in general. Sometimes I see gd quizzes, take them, laugh at the results but forgot about link. Oh well. I'll get these sites up on the links so you pplz can have some fun when you're bored. http://www.bored.com is a reli reli crazy site for ppl who ARE bored stiff. I'd recommend the lemonade selling game - it's quite gd actually. That's enough of boredom links. Remember this: "Boredom comes when you do stuff you're not interested in. Keep yourself busy with stuff you are interested in and you'll never get bored with life." ~an*
The True You |
You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more open with you. |
With respect to money, you spend as little as possible. |
You think good luck doesn't exist - reality is built on practicalities. |
The hidden side of your personality tends to be satisfied to care for things with a minimal amount of effort. |
You are tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked. |
When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you base your search on information from your friends. |
Hmm...I wouldn't say it's totally true, but there's some truth in it...I still think there's a level of good luck that exists, but it seems that other stuff represent me quite well...strange...:P
Recently I've gotten a new site opened up in MSN space coz it's just closer to "home". I'll add it in the links - http://spaces.msn.com/members/shobaday
It's mainly for photos and random rants from me as well as photos, where as this site is more junk mail based.
*Aiming to get down to work with my falling apart site to make it look good!! CSS, frontpage, blending programs, here I come (remembers that it will only occur in after mid November...)*