
Where have all my time gone?

The year certain flew by fast - I'm still stuck in the time frame of me gathering up things to come to Aus, preparing for uni. Then whoosh, one semester done, and another whoosh, the first year of uni is done. It's crazy how fast time flies. Looking back at this year I've done a quite a bit that I'm happy about. Though like any human being I like to pick out my flaws and tear them apart. The ever nagging voice "No, you didn't do this, or that", "you could have done better", "you should have kicked yourself for doing B instead of A", "you should have started this earlier" or "why are you still procrastinating?" and the like. Still I am glad for it. I can shout back. I have accomplished something. I looked at my Goals list at the beginning of the year, to do during this year. Of the 7, I completed 3 of them - not bad considering most Goals/To Do lists stuff don't get done much... Completed: -joined at least one club -meet up with as many high school friends as possible, at least once a year - (I positively can't remember at the moment - I will check back on this...) ------------------------------------ Now, having left my blog into dust, I've decided to comeback to blogspot for posting, so pretty much all of youse can RSS or read off this. MSN space is just a easy album if you got the right software, sooner or later we're all gonna switch to flickr or photobucket etc...(I wonder if "facebook" is the next big thing...) ------------------------------------- Quick recap (hopefully I can remember enough of this!) Of October/November Highlights -Joined uni choir MuscUTS for 2 weeks, then performed twice(singing choral (think church like or classical) SATB/4 part songs - one in a concert - a certain someone getting VERY hyper on spit/speed the CARD game!! :D:D:D -met up with uni friends - chatted over lunch over...heaps of topics....ranging from food, culture, hsc, books, suicide/death (yes...even that...), drinks (especially Gloria Jeans - similar to Pacific coffee in HK....or a popular alternative to Starbucks in Aus) -pondering on the fact that I have a more Sri Lankan, Thai, Vietnamese friends as opposed to HK/China/Caucasian friends....:| -sampling different foods around uni -seeking out the locations of different microwaves to heat up food (there's no food better than homemade food, REALLY!) -bumping into friends and catching up during uni, ESPECIALLY when you least expect it -enjoying the free bbq lunch times ;D -the Chem 2 labs - with quite a bit of chatter during the dreaded waiting times...:P -eating lunch and being in lecture has been found to keep me awake, having ate lunch then being in lecture does NOT (it makes me go to sleep...full stomach...!) -Gloria Jeans buy-one-get-one-free day during lecture time, so we got 4 for half price (essentially) :D:D -Discussion Board (yes our uni has electronic medium bit like a forum, except it is extremely limited in its posting editing features, but nevertheless useful -varying styles of lecturers (often the stereotype does NOT equal reality...) -walking from Broadway to the Rocks - only took an hour (brisk pace). Funny how most people would only take the train/bus, but never walked the whole way. Stopped by the galleries at the Rocks - saw a Aussie landscape photography exhibit and Nelson Mandela drawings exhibit...very vivid landscape capturing, and very interesting comments from Mandela - simple line sketches, and his interpretation of the time he spent in prison. -tests/exams/assignments - stress related to those, but then they evaporate once you finish them, and second when after you get the mark and finalised it. -running for the trains - Having to learn the timing of the pedestrian crossing lights, walking/running time to the gates/ platform etc. I honestly do NOT learn that train timetable off by heart. I bring it with me. It's annoying - you can miss it, and need to wait half an hour...or more if it's delayed. MTR rocks so much more ;) -Listening to the buskers (some are regulars, some come even so often - and they actually need a licence to busk!) Some are pretty good, maybe i'll ask them if i can record them sometime....and post on Youtube? :P i've heard of a harp player, there's a double bass/cello + saxophone duo (when they play, it's like you're in a cafe :D) -getting the free postcards from uni (they are another form of advertising...) -finishing early for labs/pracs/tutorials --------------------------------------------------- Recently saw a new book from Mitch Albom - For One More Day, and read it :D It's a another nice little story, very similar format to "Five people you meet in heaven", but slightly more focused on a lost relationship, especially the parent/child relationship. It goes through with a low point, then flashbacks through that person's life, with intersections of pieces of extra information strategically places to give you an overall sense of perspective. A beautiful written little story on life. Ok that's enough for now. Heading to HK in 7 hrs! :D ~an*


Yes, I am officially hooked onto Youtube...especially those timeless songs

No, I am not a full fledged fan of any singer/band, but I love classic /timeless songs because they have a tendency to be easy on the ear and something enjoyable is recognised by majority of people who have heard it, standing the test of time etc One such song is 劉德華-中國人. Not only is it full of the anciently chinese music feel, in mandarin/putonghua, the lyrics are well written to convey emotions that embody some key concepts in the chinese culture. This song is almost overplayed when they have any events celebrating key holidays of the chinese culture, but hey, it's one of those songs that don't go out of fashion easily.